
Friday, 18 May 2012

Zero carb. Russian Roulette?

It is no secret that I am a zero carb dieter. According to conventional wisdom, this must be just about the unhealthiest way to eat on the planet. All that saturated fat, no 'good fats' at all, no fruit, no vegetables...what about your 5 portions a day? Where are your healthy whole grains? And you eat all that red meat!!!

It feels as though we zero and very low carbbers are playing some kind of Russian Roulette. If we are right, we get to lose weight, reverse our diabetes, get fit, and generally live long and happy lives. If we are wrong, we are on a one way trip to the morgue via cardiology department of the local hospital.

So what do we do?

All the traditional research seems to show that whole grains are good for us, we need lots and lots of fruit and vegetables, we need to drink lots of water, and we need to limit our consumption of saturated fats and red meats. Yet despite following this advice people are getting, well, quite simply, fatter and fatter and more and more sick. Heat disease is on the rise, diabetes has become an epidemic, the list goes on and on.

The 'authorities' put the blame firmly back on us, of course. It is our own fault we are fat; we eat too much fast food, drink too many sodas, and we don't exercise enough. If we got off the sofa and went for a jog every day, all would be well.

We, of course know this not to be true. We eat the low fat, high grain diet and jog 3 miles a day...and we are still fat. Yes, we may be a little more toned, but we are still fat. If you tell a conventional authority this, they tend to think you are lying.

So to my way of thinking the accepted wisdom is wrong. I tried it. It didn't work. Now I am trying something else, and I feel good, and I am losing weight and volume.

And I am playing Russian Roulette with my health.

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