
Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Falling off the Zero Carb Wagon

Honesty first! I fell off the zero carb wagon today. This is what happened.

I was very hungry when I woke up, but assumed it would pass. I had a cup of tea and went for a run for about an hour. Shower, another cuppa and on with my day.

Around noon I had to go to the post office, so I hopped on my trusty bike and cycled to the shops, and back again. Daughter 1 who works just down the road turned up at 1pm for lunch. She had brought some Kumera (sweet potato) soup and asked if I wanted some. It smelt fabulous, and I was soooo hungry. I declined and ate some scrambled eggs. I felt a little better for a while, but by 4pm I was ravenous again.

This is very unusual for me, I normally only eat once a day, in the evening, and I don't eat much then. I do get hungry from time to time but not like this.

Son arrived home after a difficult school day and begged for pancakes. He is gluten free so I cooked up some buckwheat pancakes. Hubby decided he would have some too. The smell of the pancakes was wonderful and it took everything I had to calmly go on making them, and not actually eat any.

By supper time I was done for. I ate some of the stir fry veggies I had cooked for hubby.

So I am not zero carb today.

Is this good? Is this bad? Should one follow what ones body wants? Or should I have been stricter and stuck to my guns and not eaten the vegetables?

And of course, where to from here? Back to zero carb tomorrow? Or try eating Paleo for a few days and see what happens? I suppose I can go back to zero carb whenever I want.

So many questions, and no answers.

I can assume that as I am running further and (slightly) faster my body requires more food. Yet we are told again and again, as runners, not to eat the calories back, not to have the sandwich after a run or you won't lose weight. But as Paleo and zero carb people, calories are not supposed to matter, so maybe I should eat if and when I am hungry. Part of the problem is that I have 2 goals, I want to be a runner and I want to lose weight.

I have no idea what I shall eat tomorrow.

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